Prague Juggling Marathon @ TJ Sokol Karlin,
lis 20 – lis 23 całodniowy

ŽM (Prague Juggling Marathon) starts this weekend (12.-14.11. 2010) and for whom, who are looking forward to announced competition we reveal different categories so train, practice, awards are attractive.


The categories under which you can compare your skills are following:

1. Throwing the diabolo into the basket / box
2. Duel with skittle on a nose
3. Running with balls juggling cross obstacle course

After the competitions will continue Saturday´s galashow. Enjoy the exhibitions of juggling art, but also a stilts´s show Long Vehicle Circus.

So do not hesitate…


Here is more information:

Everybody is invited to attend the second year of Prague Juggling Marathon which will be held from 12th to 14th November 2010. Like as last year the most of programme will take place in Zizkov´s Sokol House.

On Friday 12th November from 20:00 one gym in the Sokol House will be open especialy for visitors out of Prague for store their baggage and later it will serve them for acommodation. So don´t forget your sleepping bags and groundsheets. Friday´s night headline programme is „Freezing Fireshow“ performed in nearby park Parukářka. Take your fire juggling toys, warm clothes and hot tea and join us.

From Saturday morning another gym will be opened and the main programme will take place there – free juggling, workhops and shows for you. Workshops will start at 9 o´clock in the morning with small morning warm-up for everybody and workshops will continue during whole day. Schedule for workshops will be displayed on the spot.

Early evening will start with juggling competitions. First one will be – „Czech Kandaman“ – challenge-cup with prize money 1 000 CZK for the winner. Further competitions will bring to you by and you can win voucher to this juggling shop.

After all the competition winners are known, the nigt galashow will start at 20:00. After the galashow the gym will stay opened for those who want to juggle more. There will be place to play some popular juggling games like VolleyClub, Gladiator or Renegade.

Free juggling and workshops will continue on Sunday. Both gyms will be opened till 18:00, when the second Prague Juggling Marathon ends.


Weekend 250 CZK
Saturday´s programme 130 CZK
Saturday´s night show 80 CZK
Sunday´s workshops 50 CZK

Weeked pre-sale 200 CZK (This ticket is available after registration in advanced by email. Email us to with subject PREDREGISTRACE. Don ´t forget to write down how many tickects you want and names of all participiants. The price of tickets will be paid on entrance. All weekend ticket contains free accommodation in gym and breakfast.)

KURS Klaunady i Pantomimy 19-20 KWIETNIA, ŁÓDŹ @ Carnival Otwarta Przestrzeń Cyrkowa
kwi 19 – kwi 20 całodniowy
KURS Klaunady i Pantomimy 19-20 KWIETNIA, ŁÓDŹ @ Carnival Otwarta Przestrzeń Cyrkowa

KURS Klaunady i Pantomimy
Organizator: Fundacja Miasto Projekt,
jednostka wykonawcza: Carnival, Otwarta Przestrzeń Cyrkowa

Wszystkich zainteresowanych zapraszamy do udziału w warsztatach pantomimy oraz klaunady, które odbędą się 19-20 kwietnia w Łodzi.
Jak wyglądają warsztaty:
› 8h klownady ( budowanie postaci, gagi sceniczne)
› 8h pantomimy ( podstawowe ćwiczenia, zadania pantomimiczne, praca z ciałem i mimiką)

Istnieje możliwość zapisania na jeden moduł.

Pantomima: Bartłomiej Ostapczuk
Klaunada: Joanna Sakowicz

Wpłaty do 5 kwietnia:
200zł moduł dodatkowy :klownada + pantomima
130zł za 1 dzień klownady lub pantomimy

Wpłaty do 5 kwietnia:
250zł moduł dodatkowy :klownada + pantomima
180zł za 1 dzień warsztatowy klownady lub pantomimy

Kurs clownady i pantomimy: 10zł/noc

Po przeprowadzonych warsztatach, każdy uczestnik kursu otrzyma certyfikat pedagoga cyrku, uznawany przez Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego . Certyfikat będzie wymieniał liczbę godzin kursu oraz dziedziny cyrkowe, z jakich były przeprowadzone warsztaty .

Roztoc fest vol.3 @ Praga, czechy
lis 7 całodniowy

Roztoc image roztocz festiwal czechyfest is an international fire / circus / juggling / music / art festival.
You’re gonna see some badass artists from all around Europe, and hear some good music artists too!

During the day workshops will be held, suitable for beginners to pros, such as: Poi and Staff Spinning, Cyr wheel, Acrobacy, Twirling, Unicycle. All day you can drink tea from A-maze in Tchaiovna tea house, or good Czech beers.

In the evening the main thing will happen: Gala shoooow!
The best artists from Czech, Germany, Norway, Italy, Britain and Brasil will show their unique ways of fire dancing and circus arts!

After that, live music: Famous funk / alternativ band Yo Soy Indigo will play their amazing tunes, and afterwards the spectacular Omnion – one-man self-looping orchestra – artist Tomas Reindl, combining the sacred tunes of far East and West, in a modern way, using many different unusual & usual instruments. Don’t miss that!

And of course, DJs all night, with Renegade show in some point, which means everybody can show their skill on stage, and get a shot of some booze for it 😉

Fire space will be open all night. You can spin fire how much you want. A special place for unicycles and bike trials will be installed. With some really cool jumping obstacles.
Moreover, we’re having a special Cyrwheel spot, with some Cyrwheels available to try.

– Paolo Lucignolo: „Find your flow” workshop with
Contact staff
– Poi tricksharing with the masters of poi
– Whip workshop with Jaffy
– Cyrwheel workshop with Lukáš Bezděk (cyrs will be
available to borrow)
– Diabolo for beginners to advanced with Pavel Bláha
– Unicycle workshop with Randal
– Capoeira with Master S

Freaks on Fire (Germany)
Paolo Lucignolo (Italy)
Thomas Hauffen (Norway)
Leo (Italy)
Lubomír Kábrt (Czech)
Alex Cuthbertsun (Britain)
Lucas De Lima Devillers (Brasil)
Lukáš Bezděk
Martin Červenka
Angry Clowns
Tomáš Kozel
Ted Tedovič
Heat Therapy

Jádro Pudla (Jenda Legenda b2b Maara Víc) [ WizArts ] – psydub
Mr.Gorby [WizArts] – psy
For foreign participants or Czech people coming from far away, we have a cozy flats located in the very center of Prague, just around 10min away from the festival venue.
We are renting it from Friday 6th until Sunday 8th. Ideally bring your own mats.
Please help us to pay the rent by 5e per night (we are really trying to make this as cheap as possible..)
Everybody interested in this, write me (to Vojta) a personal message with how many of you and how many nights! The capacity of the flat is around 20 people.

So that means that you can come to Praha not just for the one festival night, but to enjoy a beautiful weekend trip and hang out with other participants. It’s truly gonna be fun time.

Help line, in case you are lost, or whatever:
Mi Ko 777 273 391

festival Valmez (2nd international meeting of street art in Valmez) @ Valašské Meziříčí
wrz 28 – paź 1 całodniowy
Roztoč fest @ pin Ukryj mapę 1435mm / Nákladové nádraží Žižkov
sie 18 – sie 20 całodniowy

Roztoć festGet ready for next year’s Roztoc fest, the international multi-genre circus based festival. Once again we are preparing a wide program of amazing shows, indoor and outdoor workshops, live music & DJs, fire space for all night fire spinning, and tons of other fun. This is chance for YOU to get movin’, inspired and taught by some world’s top circus artists and enjoy a circus party like no else! All that in an extraordinary venue of an old abandoned train station, close to Prague’s city center.

Here’s some of the artists that will present and teach their art:
MEAST (France)
YANG LI-WEI (Taiwan)
TITOS (Taiwan)
2 GIRLS IN 1 HOOP (Czech)
YUFI (Czech)
JIŘINA (Czech)

Do you want to participate? Let us know! We still have space for shows, concerts, workshops, vendors or any other form of contribution. Roztoč fest is made by artists to artists, any form of your participation and contribution is more than welcome!
We are putting together a list of Gala and Openstage artists, as well as musicians, bands, DJs and vendors. Let us know 🙂

Here’s few important informations that you need to know:
– accommodation is not provided; there are dozens of hostels, guesthouses and hotels around the festival venue, you can find very cheap ones (starting at 6€ per night) and more luxurious ones too. Visit our website where’s a list of recommended hostels around including distance from the festival. Or simply make a post here that you’re looking for a place to stay, and someone might help you out. Jugglers help jugglers!
– ticket pre-sale will be opened soon but you will always be free to purchase it at the door. Just for your orientation, the whole festival ticket will be just as every year about 20€. (Yes, it is goddamn cheap).

VI Gdyński Weekend Kuglarski @ Gdyńskie Centrum Sportu ul. Olimpijska 5/9, 81-538 Gdynia
wrz 15 – wrz 17 całodniowy

Najwyższy czas zaprosić Was na kolejną edycję Gdyńskiego Weekendu Kuglarskiego!

Gorąco zapraszamy wszystkich miłośników Nowego Cyrku, zarówno doświadczonych „wyjadaczy”, jak i osoby początkujące. W trakcie trzech dni nie zabraknie okazji, aby rozwijać swoje umiejętności, spotkać się ze znajomymi, jak i poznać wielu nowych, ciekawych ludzi. Przed nami wyjątkowy weekend, pełen żonglerki, fireshow, akrobatyki i ekwilibrystyki!

W programie wydarzenia znajdziecie
– liczne warsztaty kuglarskie dla początkujących i zaawansowanych,
– Scenę otwartą,
– Igraszki z ogniem,
– Igrzyska kuglarskie.

Powyższe punkty programu odbędą się na naszej sali treningowej – Sali Lekkoatletyczną Gdyńskiego Centrum Sportu (ul. Olimpijska 5/9, Gdynia). To niemal 1000 m2 przestrzeni dla rozwoju Waszych pasji!

W sobotni wieczór zaprosimy Was na Galę VI Gdyńskiego Weekendu Kuglarskiego – pokaz w wykonaniu naszych gości specjalnych, artystów z całego kraju.

Nocleg dla uczestników wydarzenia zorganizowany będzie w Szkole Podstawowej nr 13, ul. Halicka 8 – około 10-15 minut pieszo od sali treningowej.

Koszty związane z udziałem w wydarzeniu:
– jednodniowy wstęp na salę treningową – 10 zł,
– wstęp na Galę VI GWK – 10 zł,
– karnet (obejmujący 3 dni i Galę) – 30 zł,
– nocleg – 15 zł/noc.

Już niebawem rozpoczniemy pre-rejestrację na wydarzenie, dzięki której będzie mogli zakupić koszulkę VI GWK.

Z czasem będziemy ujawniać kolejne szczegóły dotyczące programu wydarzenia – „Bierzcie udział”, lajkujcie i bądźcie na bieżąco!

Do zobaczenia w Gdyni!

VI Gdyński Weekend Kuglarski
VI Gdyński Weekend Kuglarski
Zimowisko Kuglarskie w Ostródzie vol. 2 @ Zespół Szkół Zawodowych im. Sandora Petöfi
sty 25 – sty 28 całodniowy

zimowisko kuglarskie 2018Zapraszamy na drugą edycję Zimowiska Kuglarskiego w Ostródzie, tak jak w ubiegłym roku nie zabraknie licznych atrakcji, intensywnego progresu oraz dobrej zabawy.

W programie
– 6h zróżnicowanych warsztatów dziennie
– Open Stage
– Fire Space
– Igrzyska z nagrodami
– Podział na domy
– Konkurs na najlepszego Bałwana (o ile będzie śnieg)

Zapewniamy nocleg w klasach oraz prysznice, ponadto dostępną 24h/dobę halę sportową!

Miejsce: Ostróda, ul Sportowa 1
Czas: 25-28.01.2018
Wejściówka: 40 zł

-na edycję zimową nie trzeba się rejestrować
-zimowisko odbywa się na innym obiekcie niż letnia ostróda
-nie będzie sprzedaży koszulek
-Osoby niepełnoletnie OBOWIĄZKOWO muszą przygotować pozwolenie na uczestnictwo w imprezie podpisane przez prawnego opiekuna.

XV. Letní Letná festival @ Praga
sie 15 – wrz 2 całodniowy

About XV. International Festival of New Circus and Theatre:

Prague’s Letní Letná festival brings international and Czech acts which inspire the audience to create their own definitions of contemporary circus. And every year, these definitions are challenged.
——- Radmila Hrdinová, Právo 2017 ————-

Contemporary circus is a widely accessible genre, which makes it an easy starting point. Yet, disregarding the criterion of quality may be equally harmful in this field as in any other. Looking back at the thirteen editions of Letní Letná, there is no single item that wouldn’t reach the quality bar. A unique phenomenon, indeed.
——- Jana Machalická, Lidové noviny, 2016 ——-


Since its founding in 2004, the festival Letní Letná presented 1,477 shows that were attended by the overall number of 324,000 spectators. Thanks to the festival, the Czech Republic has hosted prominent names of the international contemporary circus scene, among them Cirque Alfonse, Collectif Malunés, NoFit State Circus, Circa, Cirque Ici, Cirque Trottola, Les Colporteurs, 7 Fingers, Cirkus Cirkör, Compagnie XY, Compagnie Rasposo, Cirque Baroque, Cahin Caha, Malabar, Atelier Lefeuvre & André, Cie Galapiat, Le Poivre Rose, Cirque Inextremiste, Le Boustrophedon and many more. The festival’s attractiveness is incessantly growing: the first edition offered 60 shows to 6,300 spectators, the last edition in 2017 then lured over 45,000 spectators to as many as 190 shows. Within its fourteen year existence, Letní Letná has grown into a stable pillar of the cultural calendar, not only in Prague but also on the national level, building up a unique profile of an event that systematically hosts the best of international contemporary circus and, at the same time, provides cultural and leisure activities to children and their families.

Circus Culture Fest 2019 @ Beachpark Mlékojedy
lip 5 – lip 7 całodniowy

The program will take a traditional form, just the start will be a little earlier on Friday because of a public holiday.

Pátek 5. 7.
13:00 – 19:00 – Juggling rental
15:00 – 17:00 – Volleyclub
17:30 – 19:00 – Drum workshop – Jirka Adam
20:00 – 20:30 – Hombre – The Director (theatre)
20:45 – 21:15 – Dada Circus (theatre)
21:30 – 22:30 – Otevření fire space + Tribo drums
22:30 – ??:?? – DJ Swing Garden a DJ RudeGust

Sobota 6. 7.
11:00 – 20:00 – Juggling rental
13:00 – 16:00 – Workshops
16:00 – 17:00 – Hombre – The Life Guard (theatre)
17:00 – 20:00 – Workshops
21:00 – 22:15 – Galashow 🎯
22:30 – 23:30 – Fire space + Tribo drums
23:30 – ??:?? –

Sunday 7. 7.
juggling rental, free training

Workshops and program during daytime – FREE
Friday 29. 6. from 19.00 – 100 CZK
Saturday 30. 6. from od 20.30 – 200 CZK
Both days – 250 CZK
Discount for families
(1 € approx 25 CZK)

Accommodation in the camp is not part of the festival ticket.
More information at